Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weight Gain After Stopping Smoking - Pregnancy Weight Loss

More information has been unearthed about weight gain after stopping smoking.

It has always been known that stopping smoking is associated with weight gain. What has not always been clear is the extent of the weight gain. After all most of us are gaining weight.

Weight Gain after smoking

Weight Gain after smoking

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal has demonstrated that those who stop smoking gain, on average, 5 kg by 12 months.

This is a large study, combining over 50 different studies that looked at the impact of quitting smoking and weight loss.

The reasons for weight gain are varied but important.

Weight gain after cessation of smoking is not universal, with 16% of ex-smokers losing weight and 13% gaining more than 10 kg.

To describe weight gain and its variation in smokers who achieve prolonged abstinence for up to 12 months and who quit without treatment or use drugs to assist cessation.

Results 62 studies were included.

Our meta-analysis has shown that abstinent smokers gain a mean weight of 4-5 kg after 12 months of abstinence. However, we have found substantial variation in weight gain, indicating that this mean value does not reflect many people who give up smoking.

Smoking cessation is associated with a mean increase of 4-5 kg in body weight after 12 months of abstinence, and most weight gain occurs within three months of quitting.

Source: British Medical Journal ? July 10 2012

Most smokers worry about gaining weight after stopping smoking. This is widespread. In the ligh to this study they are justified.

However, the weight gain has to be viewed within the context of health benefits gained after cessation of smoking.

There are numerous health benefit gains including reduced heart disease risk and lower cancer risk. Compared to the risks of gaining weight, the balance of benefits weigh in favour of stopping smoking.

There are numerous benefits for stopping smoking before pregnancy, or after childbirth, thus creating an environment that is healthy for the baby. We have, on this blog, discussed the importance of fetal programming. In that context, it is very difficult to compare benefits of stopping smoking against the disadvantages gaining weight during pregnancy. However, the average weight of 5 kg gained after stopping smoking is not universal and can be lost with more support.


Have you ever faced the dilemma of stopping smoking and weight gain? How easy has it been to stop smoking and keep the weight down?


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