Monday, July 2, 2012

Hammers and High Heels: Well Hello There!

I've missed you!?

Sorry it has been a while since I've checked-in here on the blog.? I think everyone knows how much I LOVE blogging but I had to try my best to let go over the weekend in order to enjoy every moment I could with my family and friends during my Michigan visit.? Sadly (and happily), I'm headed?back to my home sweet home in?Minneapolis today and?with me I am taking a?whole bunch of special memories :)

I think the highlight (and main visit purpose) was my sister's baby shower.?? I loved celebrating her pregnancy and *showering* her with lots of love along with family?&?friends.?

??I am also just soooooo?thankful to have spent?a few?days with her during this special time in her life (living long distance is tough).? I even got to feel that baby girl kick!?

???I've known my big sister my whole life and I've never seen her happier. It warms my heart just to see that cute baby bump on her belly?:)? She is going to be an amazing mother!

I also spent some AWESOME auntie time with my nephew Henri- that's right AWESOME! ?I think Henri might think I am cooler than Uncle Alex for a while, ha!? Amber (Alex's sister), Henri and I visited John Ball Zoo (I keep accidently typing "John Balls Zoo", LOL!).? It was crazy hot out but we had a blast!? We rode a camel and?pet lots of critters like baby goats, sting rays & even a baby shark!

We also got to?spend some time at Lake Michigan on the Grand Haven Beach.? Don't you love his signature smile?!?!?

?Henri made me an Auntie for the first time, he is almost 3 years old now.

Every time I get to see him I am amazed at how much he has grown!? This visit was soooo much fun, he is so chatty and just plain happy!? I can't wait to see him (and his parents of course) again.? Spending time with?him made me all the more excited to be an Auntie again to my sister's baby girl!??Plus, a baby girl?means pink frilly things, tutus, hair bows, and of course... high heels!!!!? HA!? Well, someday of course.

Goodbye for now Michigan. I will?miss you and all the fun folks that call you home, but I will be back in?two month to meet that baby!

Time to catch my flight and see what Mr. Hammers and High Heels has been up to while I've been gone!?


bill rancic dick clark elie wiesel giuliana rancic giuliana rancic temptations work hard play hard

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