Friday, December 28, 2012

The Booming Fitness Industry | What is How to

It is a true fact that Indians are slowly awakening to the benefits of a healthy body. However, this does not imply that we belong to an unhealthy race. Contrary to that, our ancestors were hard-working people who believed in eating healthy as well as following a healthy lifestyle. Also, the ayurvedic system of medicine and yoga were practiced in ancientIndiafor holistic healing.

Increasing awareness about fitness:

These days, with the influence of the west, as well as popular concept of size ?zero?, the fitness industry is slowly gaining importance. The media is largely responsible for young girls and women wanting a figure like that of popular screen characters. The awareness levels about fitness are also increasing. Most of us work throughout the day in offices. This leaves very small room for any kind of physical activity, leading to an increase in the number diseases. Eventually, the idea of being fit vanishes. To fight this disease and to have the desired toned body, people are enrolling themselves into gymnasiums and health clubs.

Fitness Trainer:

With the demand for sculpting perfect bodies comes the demand for fitness trainers. Initially, this profession was not taken seriously, but with the boom in the fitness industry, trained professionals are in demand now. These people train not just the body, but also the mind. This helps individuals in fighting diseases.

Enrolling in a gymnasium:

The most popular aspects of the fitness industry are the gymnasiums and health clubs. Here, you can exercise anytime of the day. However, you have to make sure that the particular gym is opened at your chosen time. Once you are enrolled in a gymnasium, you can take the advice of their in-house trainer. The trainer can help you with the correct way of using various equipments as well the correct exercises that would be ideal for your body.

Joining fitness classes:

You could also join physical fitness classes which specialize in aerobics, Pilates, Zumba or any such form of physical training. Just make sure that your class is conducted by a trained and certified professional. Most of these instructors will also give you a diet chart to follow as simply exercising without controlling your diet will not give the desired results.

Back to the roots

Another form of exercise that has become popular in the fitness industry is Yoga. The credit to this goes mainly to the westerners who realized its benefits, despite it being a slow process. The practitioners claim that yoga not only benefits the body externally, but also purifies it from the inside. Yoga makes you realize your body?s potential, but at the same time, does not advocate straining it.

Power yoga is another kind of yoga which is also gaining popularity these days. As the name suggests, this is more rigorous, but the concept of not straining the body during exercise remains here as well.

Diet and exercise:

A lot of people join the gym. For some, the motivation is losing weight while for others, it as a lifestyle statement. However, whatever the reason is, unless there is a conscious effort in the cutting down of calorie intake, there will be no visible change in the looks. There is no point in straining yourself during a workout in the gymnasium in the morning and gorging on chocolates or other such high calorie food at home. At the same time, it is also important to eat well so that one has the energy to exercise. Hence, it is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet. In many health clubs, there are nutritionists who take care of this aspect.

Author Bio:

Helenais a much sought after fitness trainer. She is a personal trainer who is working with many celebrities. She is a professionally qualified Pilates and Yoga instructor with more than 5 years of experience in the field. She keeps herself updated on the latest in the fitness industry by undergoing different courses.


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