Saturday, December 8, 2012

Letters to the editor: Catholic Church holds women 'in high regard'

Ernest Simpson wrote a very interesting letter concerning the practices and attitudes the Catholic Church projects toward women (Erie Times-News, Nov. 25). "The church shows no respect for the capacities or capabilities of women," he wrote. "The church would rather have foreign priests who can't speak English on the altar than ordain female priests."

Mr. Simpson showed no respect or regard to men from other countries who have not only done a great deal to become American Catholic priests but also had to meet the challenge of learning a foreign language to do so. These men should be commended, not criticized.

I don't think there are very many intelligent, educated people who have a problem accepting women as equals anymore. The feminist movement has helped strengthen women's rights in both the workplace and society. I don't think ordaining women to the priesthood can be considered a reflection of the feminist movement and is just another quick solution to the priest shortage. I'm sure many nuns have been humiliated and treated like criminals, but calling an archbishop a parole officer is stretching it a bit. Many people in religious communities have been unjustly punished, even killed, for upholding their spiritual beliefs. The church is universal and there is bound to be misunderstanding and misinterpretations of dogma.

That God is not gender-conscious and looks at how well people serve him is true, and I think many women in strong leadership roles have served God for centuries. Women religious have acted as hospital administrators, principals of high schools and grade schools, serving as role models for our youth as teachers, showing compassion and understanding to the less fortunate. I think the Catholic Church has always held women in high regard and venerated women, motherhood and, most of all, the Blessed Mother of Christ.

Ann Hatheway|Erie


America is

'at terrible risk'


The news outlets are all buzzing with the "fiscal cliff," a politically created, self-perpetuating problem that pits liberals and conservatives against one another. Our current system of governing has been re-created over decades and at least three generations by politicians looking for ways to be re-elected and gain more power for themselves and their party. Members of both parties have contributed mightily to the continuing financial crisis we are experiencing today. Both parties are guilty of ignoring the Constitution for reasons dreamed up and put forth to assuage their consciences and stay in office or promote some agenda that will undermine the intent of the Founding Fathers for self-benefit at the cost of freedom for the masses.

No one who has learned history will believe a centralized system of control will work. No one who has paid attention to the present world financial crisis will agree that more of the same is a good thing. It is only those who are uneducated in the past failings of this system of government, those who have been paid off by the central statist planners, who will fall for this disproved method of governing.

On the other hand, it is those with an agenda for deliberately undermining the very foundation of America. Either way, our nation is at terrible risk and we all bear responsibility for allowing government for the people and by the people to perish like all other nations before have done. Welcome to the promised change with little hope for continued individual freedom.

Frank E. Mehler Jr.|North East


Foulk's actions

in pizza bomber

case questioned


I recently finished reading "Pizza Bomber: The Untold Story of America's Most Shocking Bank Robbery" and want to tell the co-writers, Erie Times-News reporter Ed Palattella and retired FBI investigator Jerry Clark, what a great job they did on this book.

But my comment has to do with a section about what the late District Attorney Brad Foulk withheld in this case. Although Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong did deserve to be held in the James Roden case, I feel Foulk cost the taxpayers and the FBI time and money because he wanted to secure her conviction in his own case. Regardless if investigators were looking into another suspect, those notes held enough information to lead the detectives to her and her cohorts and maybe a quicker ending to this horrible event that shocked not only Erie, but America, for seven years.

I'm sure people other than the district attorney saw those notes, and I feel they should have been held accountable, as much as Mr. Foulk should have been, although now it's too late for him.

And to the public, I suggest reading the book. It has so much I didn't know about the case and it is presented through facts, statements and the trial. You'll be surprised at how demented and dumb, yet deemed intellectual, this woman was.

Patti Veres|Erie


Using offensive

word is hurtful


In response to the article written by Maureen Barber-Carey in stressing the importance of educating the public that the word "retard" can be very hurtful and demeaning (Erie Times-News, Nov. 25):

As with all name-calling, it can only hurt people, never help them. When did our society come to the place that it is acceptable to publicly humiliate another person or their circumstances?

It may seem like an innocent term that is said in jest, but what if you were on the receiving end of the remark? Having a mental or physical disability is not something shameful that is to be ridiculed. When you use the term as a derogatory remark, whether to an ordinary person or someone with a disability, you are clearly showing that you have no concept of its true definition.

In the dictionary, "retard" is defined as "to delay the progress of." There are many people with mental or physical disabilities who are far from delaying their progress. Some have amazed other people, as well as themselves, as to the progress they can make. They never give up striving for more.

So, please, before you unwittingly use the term "retard," whether in jest or not, please, please think about what you are really insinuating. This can also be said of all name-calling.

It is about time people took responsibility for teaching our children the correct way to treat other people, no matter what their situation may be, and this can begin with the language we use and its implications.

Karen Ward|Erie


Boehner should pay


House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, should be the first of many politicians to step up to the plate and pay more taxes. The Republicans do this every time. They box President Barack Obama into a corner. They know he ran on the policy of increasing taxes on the wealthy. The Republicans hold the middle class, Social Security and entitlement programs hostage until the president gives in on not taxing the wealthy. What do you have? A stalemate.

Republicans argue that the wealthy make jobs and they shouldn't be taxed more. Men and women give their lives for this country, and they won't agree to a tax increase.

Republicans should lead by example.

Ken Crawford Jr.|Erie


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