Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 lessons for Business Owners on Online and Social Media ...

This article is written for Business Owners.

If you are a marketing professional check out check out the article?5 lessons learned from clients on Online and Social Media Marketing.

1. Online and Social Media Marketing is important to your business.

I?m sure you are aware of its importance but understanding exactly why can be a challenge. ?Start with talking to a marketing professional about the topic. ?Who?s your target market is essential to understanding how social media and online marketing can help your business. ?Every marketing professional you talk to should start with asking You questions about your business and what you know about social media and online marketing. ?If they just start to sell, you move on.

How to pick a knowledgeable Online and Social Media Marketing Professional. Post up April 10, 2012.

2. ?Don?t just read one article on the web and believe you understand Online and Social Media Marketing. ?

This phenomenon of ?reading one interesting article makes you an expert? is fascinating to me!? Internet marketing is dynamic and continued education is imperative.

My advice is to subscribe to the ?the more I know, the more I realize I have a lot to learn.? Minimal research merely fuels ignorance and ego and is bad for business. ? ?I encourage you to read articles from a variety of sources, find the pattern and discuss the topics with your marketing professional. ?If you don?t know something ask questions but don?t always take one answer. Remember a lot of information is subjective according to your type of business and target clientele.

3. Don?t know the difference between Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, it?s ok!

Many business owners are still confused ?about this and how it works with their business. Ask your marketing professional to explain what they are and how to best use them for your business.

A marketing professional who can use your business to explain the difference is a really good thing and shows they know your business.

4. Stop the information dump on social media and online outlets!

This info dump does not generate new clients or get existing clients excited about anything. ?One of the most important factors when using social media is interaction (hence the name). ?If someone else is providing the same information that you are and they have more followers, ?Stop it and try something else to get their attention. ?It?s ok to experiment but remember your target clientele and speak to what they want.

For blogs; content that is relevant, high quality and compelling is what will interest readers. ?If they are interested in the posts, they keep coming back and they spend more time on your site and then they will buy, if you provide to them something they need or want to have.

If your social media sites have boring, duplicate content, no one will return to the site and you lose out on that eye ball.

Why quality, relevant content is important for customers and web traffic. Post up on April 11th, 2012

5.?No matter how much emphasis put on the importance of Blog postings- clients will not do it.

As a business owner you?re busy so the last thing you want to do is write blog postings. ?This can generate revenue for your business!

Example: ?I live in a ski town filled with ski and apparel shops. ?I explained the importance of blogging to a client. ?I suggested she post interesting tidbits about life in Vail, ?details and features about ski jackets and ski?s for women, have the staff review the products.

She liked the idea but did nothing about it. ?So, I went to her store and talked to her and the staff, explained how fun and lucartive this could be, showed them how to get online and post information, photos and set up a schedule for them to post. ?The staff got excited about this venture and took an interest in the business. ?Photos of the staff and customers were posted, comments were made about the products from staff and customers. ?People keep coming to her site to see the comments and the photos. ?Her staff ?had fun with this, shared their postings with friends, customers shared the info with their friends and the excitement continued.

The effect: ?she got new customers from the pictures and comments and she had advanced orders on products for the 2011-12 ski season.

So in the worst snow year in Vail, in35 years- her sales we above last years sales.

Make time for it and if you?re not sure how to best benefit from the blog ask a marketing professional.

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