Wednesday, February 8, 2012

computer techies - Family Woodworking

Rex, I'm not sure about the second dsl modem without having to pay for service there too. Typically the modems have id/password setup that allows only one login, but I could be wrong as I haven't dealt with dsl much.

Since my shop is fed off the main panel at the house, I've been using some Netgear Powerlink adapters that broadcast through the electrical lines to get an ethernet connection up to my shop. They are secure/encrypted devices, so no one will be able to pickup the signal and get on your network once they pair up.

At the shop end I have a second linksys router with the wan port plugged into the powerlink device. The trick is to use a different subnet on the second router. So if your primary router uses say 192.168.1.x as it's primary address. The second router will have a subnet of 192.168.2.x so that it won't conflict with the primary network.

Another option is simply a wifi repeater. It picks up a weak signal from your primary wifi router and amplifies it, which may work if you have any signal at all at the shop. I have steel siding, so no signal gets through.

Just did a quick search and they make a powerline with a wifi extender on it. Again, it may not work if your shop panel is not fed from your main at the house.


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